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Intellectual property

Intellectual property (IP) refers to the creations of the mind, such as inventions (patents); literary and artistic works (copyright); new product designs (industrial designs); and brand-names, symbols, or logos used to distinguish products and services from one undertaking from another (trade marks).

IP is a powerful tool for individuals and enterprises to help control their property rights. Ireland has in place a strong legal framework and intellectual property system that offers IP right holders the opportunity to be rewarded for their creativity and innovation and enabling society at large and the economy to benefit from their achievements.

Formal IP rights include patentstrade marks and industrial designs so called because they can be registered. Copyright is a different type of intellectual property relating to creations of the mind and is seen in everyday life in creative works such as books, films, music, art and software, as well as in more mundane objects such as cars, computers and medicines. Other types of informal IP rights include plant variety rights, geographical indications of origin, trade secrets and topographies of integrated circuits. For further information please see other IP rights.

The Intellectual Property Unit of the department is responsible for Ireland’s policy and legislation on IP that reflects developments in intellectual property policy and practice domestically, at EU level and in terms of international obligations to which Ireland is committed through various international agreements. 

The Intellectual Property Office of Ireland is responsible for the granting of patents, the registration of industrial designs and trade marks, and has certain functions in relation to copyright and related rights.

What’s new in intellectual property

European Commission public consultation on the new EU regime on craft and industrial geographical indications

August 2024

The European Commission has launched a public consultation to gather direct information from interested stakeholders related to craft and industrial geographical indications.

The main objective of this consultation is to help inform the Commission’s future communication and promotion campaigns related to craft and industrial geographical indications. In addition, the public consultation also intends to support the Commission in better tailoring the current and future international policy on craft and industrial geographical indications vis-à-vis non-EU countries in relation to concluded, ongoing and future international negotiations.

More information about the consultation is available here: Public consultation on craft and industrial geographical indications - Survey (europa.eu)

The deadline for responses to the consultation is 10 October 2024.

European Commission public consultation on the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in third countries

August 2024

DG Trade has launched a targeted consultation to gather information on the state of intellectual property protection and enforcement in third countries.

The main objective of this consultation is to identify third countries in which the state of intellectual property rights protection and enforcement gives rise to the highest level of concern and to update the list of the so called "priority countries".  The targeted consultation will be one of the tools used to help improve the IPR systems in third countries. It will help the European Commission focus its efforts and resources on the priority countries and on the specific areas of concern, with the aim of improving IPR protection and enforcement worldwide.

More information about the consultation is available here: Targeted consultation on the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights in third countries - Survey (europa.eu)

The deadline for responses to the consultation is 6 September 2024.

The high cost of intellectual property infringement in sports

June 2024

The EUIPO has launched a campaign which will focus on sports and more specifically on the negative effects of counterfeiting and piracy on the viability of sports and the sport sector:

Foul play: The high cost of IP infringement in sports - EUIPO