The primary role of the Indigenous Enterprise Division is to support indigenous enterprise across all regions in Ireland.
We do this by ensuring there are appropriate policies and necessary assistance in place across all regions of our country to promote and develop entrepreneurship and to help business to start, scale and export.
Working with Enterprise Ireland, the 31 Local Enterprise Offices and the Design and Crafts Council of Ireland, and 9 Regional Enterprise Plan Steering Committees we seek to ensure supports are aligned to meet evolving business needs to adapt to global challenges and opportunities, in particular climate change and digitalisation.
We engage with business stakeholders to fully understand the needs of indigenous enterprise and seek to influence relevant policies across government to take account of those needs. In particular we engage with relevant stakeholders to increase the resilience and productivity of employment intensive retail and locally traded sectors in Ireland.
In addition, the division develops Ireland’s position on EU state aid policy, including providing support and advice across government on state aid matters.
The division is organised across 5 business units led at principal officer level with strong collaboration given the interlinkages between the work of the units.
Assistant Secretary: Dermot Mulligan
Assistant Secretary’s Personal Assistant: Anthony Barrett
- Entrepreneurship and Small Business
- Enterprise Ireland Liaison Unit
- Regional Enterprise Plans, Funding and Infrastructure
- Retail and Locally Traded Enterprise
- State Aid and Finance for Enterprise
Main contact points