23rd January 2017
The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mary Mitchell O’Connor TD, has today welcomed the publication of “Realising our Rural Potential – Action Plan for Rural Development”, by her colleague, Minister Heather Humphreys.
Minister Mitchell O’Connor said “A vibrant and competitive rural Ireland is important, not just from an economic perspective, but also from a societal point of view. This Action Plan is an ambitious initiative which contains a strong focus on the creation and retention of jobs in rural areas and is very much aligned with the Action Plan for Jobs and the Regional Action Plans for Jobs under the remit of my Department.”
“My Department has worked closely with the Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs on the development of the Plan, particularly on the Enterprise & Employment theme, where key actions include:
implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Jobs;
roll out of competitive regional funding of up to €50m from Enterprise Ireland;
delivery of an increase in FDI of 30-40% in each of the 8 regions, and
strengthening local enterprise development and job creation through the LEOs and Enterprise Ireland.”
The Minister added, “Broadband is an essential infrastructure for economic and social activity in so many areas and is absolutely essential for enterprise development and growth. Its importance for regional development cannot be underestimated. I welcome, therefore, the fact that a key focus in the Rural Plan is to address Ireland’s connectivity challenges, including the acceleration of broadband roll out and improvements to mobile phone reception in rural areas.”
The retail sector within towns and villages throughout Ireland will also benefit from the roll out of the Town and Village Renewal Scheme and this will contribute to making rural Ireland a better place to work and live.”
The Minister concluded, “I look forward to working with Minister Humphreys in the future in the implementation of the Rural Action Plan.”
For further information contact Press Office, D/Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation ph. 6312200 or press.office@djei.ie
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