6th April 2017
All 8 regions have shown fall in live register over past 12 months
The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mary Mitchell O’Connor TD, today (Thursday) welcomed the publication of the latest Live Register figures, showing a continuing fall in the numbers of people signing on. The seasonally adjusted figures show a decline of 3,900 compared to the February figures and a decline of 48,162 compared to the March 2016 figures.
In unadjusted terms at the end of March, there were 267,202 persons signing on the Live Register.
The number of persons on the Live Register in March 2017 is the lowest number recorded in the seasonally adjusted series since October, 2008.
The figures also show that the live register has decreased in all eight regions of the country over the past 12 months.
Earlier this week, CSO figures showed that the unemployment rate fell to 6.4 % down from 6.6 % in February and from 8.3 % in March 2016.
Commenting on today’s figures Minister Mitchell O’Connor said “‘Today’s Live Register figures for March bring further welcome news that unemployment is decreasing. These figures, combined with the CSO monthly figures on Tuesday which showed a drop in unemployment from 6.6% to 6.4% demonstrate significant and continuing progress in the direction of full employment in this country. I am however extremely conscious of the challenges ahead, particularly Brexit-related challenges. For that reason, with my Department, the agencies under my remit IDA,Enterprise Ireland,LEOs and InterTrade Ireland and the Government, I will continue our strong focus on building the optimum environment for employment growth right across our country.’
For further information contact Press Office, D/Jobs,Enterprise and Innovation ph. 6312200 or press.office@djei.ie
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