Who We Are

Trade Division

The Trade Division defines, coordinates and develops our position on EU policy matters and our relationship with EU Institutions to advance departmental EU priority measures. It is responsible for the identification, formulation and development of Ireland’s international trade policies, including at European Union trade policy negotiations and through active participation in the World Trade Organisation. The division is also responsible for the administration and enforcement of EU export controls and EU trade sanctions, in support of global security and human rights.

The division is responsible for trade promotion activities and coordinates the annual programme of ministerial led trade and investment missions, as well as promoting and raising awareness among Irish firms of the benefits of EU-FTAs. The division provides the secretariat to the Trade and Investment Council and oversees implementation of the priority actions of the Trade and Investment strategy. The division also coordinates across government for Ireland’s participation in Joint Economic Commissions. The division is currently working to progress the Screening of Third Country Transactions Bill which, once enacted, will introduce an investment screening regime in Ireland for the first time, and which will also enable Ireland to give full effect to the EU Investment Screening Regulation. The division also acts as Ireland’s National Contact Point for cooperation with the European Commission and with other EU member states on investment screening matters. 

The division also acts as the National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct which provide non-binding principles and standards for responsible business conduct.

Assistant Secretary: Ronnie Downes


  • Trade Policy
  • Trade Regulation and Investment Screening
  • Trade Compliance and Responsible Business
  • Trade and Investment Promotion
  • Ireland-UK

Main contact points

Unit/Area of responsibilityContact point

Trade Division Coordination

Email: tradedivcoordination@enterprise.gov.ie

Trade Policy 

Email: trade@enterprise.gov.ie

Trade Regulation 

Email: exportcontrol@enterprise.gov.ie

Investment Screening

Email: investmentscreening@enterprise.gov.ie

Trade and Investment Promotion 

Email: niamh.mathews@enterprise.gov.ie


Email: brexitunit@enterprise.gov.ie


Email: oecdncp@enterprise.gov.ie