What We Do

Retail sector in Ireland

Retail sector in Ireland

The retail sector is the largest private sector employer in the country and is an important part of the domestic economy. Retail is classified under Eurostat G47 NACE Classification.  

Retail Forum

The Retail Forum was established in June 2014. The purpose of the forum is to allow key issues of relevance to the retail sector to be discussed, with a view to identifying practical actions which could be taken by government, or by industry itself, to support the sector with particular emphasis on achieving sustainable jobs growth in the sector.  

The forum meets on a quarterly basis. Dates for Retail Forum meetings in 2025 to be confirmed.

View minutes of meetings of the Retail Forum held since June 2014 and recent presentations made at Retail Forum meetings

Membership of the Retail Forum includes retailers and retail representative bodies, public sector and academic bodies. 

For the purposes of the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015, the Retail Forum is obliged to comply with the Transparency Code as it is exempted from registering on the Lobbying Register. This also applies to any subgroup set up by the forum. The Retail Forum Terms of Reference outlines how the forum operates. See also, the Retail Forum's Privacy Notice

For queries in relation to the Retail Forum please contact retail@enterprise.gov.ie. 

Retail Forum Subgroups 

Two subgroups drive actions in the Retail Forum’s Work Programme:

1. Digitalisation and Skills

Focus on driving digitalisation of the sector and working to support skills development.

Dates for Digitalisation and Skills Subgroup meetings in 2025: 5 March 

2. Green Transition

Focus on driving best practice sustainability in the retail sector.

Dates for Green Transition Subgroup meetings in 2025: 5 March

The Retail Forum Subgroups Terms of Reference outlines how they operate. Membership of the subgroups comprises of Retail Forum members and additional external practitioners who have a particular expertise or interest in an area under discussion. The subgroups are chaired by members of the subgroups and the Secretariat is provided by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment.

Presentations from the meetings: Presentations made at subgroup meetings


Legislation relevant to the retail sector

Retail sector resources 

Tailored guidance for retailers about available government schemes and supports:

National Enterprise Hub - Retail
The National Enterprise Hub is an all-of-government service staffed by experts and trained advisors, which is focused on helping businesses access a range of government supports.

Grow Digital
The Grow Digital portal allows businesses to assess their digital capability and then advise on the supports available to improve their offering through digital technologies. The portal provides bespoke advice and recommendations and highlights supports available from government through agencies such as the Local Enterprise Offices, Enterprise Ireland, Údarás na Gaeltachta and IDA Ireland, alongside additional training and funding options.

Energy Efficiency Guide for Retailers - SEAI (PDF, 24MB)

Health and safety in retail - HSA

Simple safety in retailing - HSA

HSA retail publications

Guidelines for businesses on price reduction announcement obligations - CCPC

Education and training courses for retail

Innovation Vouchers - Enterprise Ireland

Intreo supports for employers - Department of Social Protection

Leading the Way

Skills for Better Business

Apprenticeship in Retail Supervision (Employer Information) - Retail Ireland Skillnet

European Year of Skills - European Union


EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) - Deforestation Regulation implementation

Government consultations relevant to the retail sector

National Public Procurement Strategy Development Consultation

Calls from the European Chemicals Agency

Retail sector study

The Future of the Irish Retail Sector report, commissioned by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and carried out by KPMG Future Analytics, was completed in October 2022. The report sets out 14 recommendations which are now part of the Retail Forum’s Work Programme.

Retail statistics

Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment: DETE Data Dashboard

European Commission: Retail Restrictiveness Indicator

Central Statistics Office (CSO):

Retail Sales Index

Ireland's Retail Economy

Business Demography

Related information

Local Enterprise Office

Enterprise Ireland

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

Workplace Relations Commission

Competition and Consumer Protection Commission 

Online Retail Scheme

Responsible Business

Departments that applied the SME Test

Europe fit for the Digital Age: New online rules for businesses

Ireland in the Digital Economy and Society Index

European Commission Transition Pathway for Retail Report

FAQ – EU Regulation 2023/1115 on certain commodities and products associated with deforestation and forest degradation and repealing Regulation (EU) No 995/2010

An Garda Síochána commences Operation Táirge

Recorded Crime

White Paper on Enterprise 2022-2030

Bills and Acts of the Oireachtas

Archived minutes

Retail Forum Town Centre First/Night-time Economy Subgroup


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