6th March 2025
Minister Peter Burke said:
“On 4 March 2025, my department received a Notification of Collective Redundancies from TikTok (Bytedance) following a February announcement by the company that it would be undergoing global restructuring. Affected employees were informed of the decision and a consultation period is now underway. I understand that the proposed redundancies will take effect in April this year, once the statutory consultation process has concluded. The numbers involved are a matter for the company to disclose.
“My first thoughts are with the employees impacted by this announcement along with their families. My department, along with our agencies, will work to support workers affected in the period ahead as they pursue alternative employment. TikTok is a significant employer in Ireland and as part of the proposed restructuring, government understands that there may be a number of open roles available to employees who are at risk of being made redundant. TikTok has been fully briefed on the IDA’s suite of transformation and training supports available.
"Equally, the enterprise agencies under my department will assist in helping those impacted to find alternative employment. This includes sharing the skills profiles of impacted employees to companies who may be hiring, be that with multinationals in IDA’s client base or indigenous companies through Enterprise Ireland.
"As a country we are close to full employment and the economy is well diversified, with hundreds of thousands of people employed by indigenous SMEs, pharmaceuticals, agri-food, med-tech and financial services. Nonetheless I know this announcement will be very difficult for those impacted and government is fully committed to supporting affected staff."
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