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Publication of Low Pay Commission report on sub-minimum rates of the National Minimum Wage

The report of the Low Pay Commission on sub-minimum, or youth rates of the National Minimum Wages was today published by the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Peter Burke TD.  The Low Pay Commission has recommended the abolition of all sub-minimum rates, for all employees.

Commenting on the publication of the report, Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Peter Burke TD said:

“I thank the Low Pay Commission for the considerable work they have put into preparing this report and developing their recommendations. As the Low Pay Commission has identified in its report, this is an important and complex issue that will require detailed examination by Government.  

“My Department will now commission an economic impact assessment and seek legal advice on the Low Pay Commission’s recommendations. A Government decision on the Low Pay Commission’s recommendations will then be made in due course. In doing so we will have recourse to the SME test which is a key element of my 15 point business supports package announced last month.”

The report is available on the Low Pay Commission website at gov - Publications from the Low Pay Commission (

Note for Editors

The Low Pay Commission is an independent statutory body which makes recommendations to the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment on the National Minimum Wage, and on other issues relating to minimum wages.

The National Minimum Wage is the minimum hourly pay rate that must be paid to employees.

The National Minimum Wage Acts allow for lower, or sub-minimum rates for those aged under 20.

The minimum wage for those aged 19 is 90% of the prevailing rate, for those aged 18 it is 80% and for those aged 17 and under it is 70%.