What We Do

Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund


About DTIF

The Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund (DTIF) is a €500 million challenge-based fund established under Project Ireland 2040. It is one of four funds set up under the National Development Plan (NDP) 2018-2027. It is managed by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and administered by Enterprise Ireland.

To date, over €376 million in funding has been awarded to 105 projects. For a list of these projects and more, check out our dashboard.

More about DTIF and eligibility

Who can apply

DTIF is suitable for combinations of SMEs, MNCs and RPOs who are engaging in collaborative ‘industrial research’ and/or ‘experimental development’ towards a common objective.

nullBefore submitting an application to DTIF, all applicants should ensure they meet the eligibility requirements

You should apply to DTIF if your project will potentially:

  • alter markets
  • alter the way businesses operate 
  • involve the creation of new products or
    contribute to the emergence of new business models

Additional reasons to apply based on your partner type

Projects are assessed based on four criteria:

  • strength of the disruptive technology dimension
  • excellence of the overall proposal and approach
  • economic impact and sustainability
  • quality and efficiency of the collaboration

Breakdown of each evaluation criteria

Current call

Call status

DTIF Call 7 is live. The call launched on 7 May 2024.


Applications may be submitted using Enterprise Ireland's online submission at any time until 30 April 2025. 

Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing basis.

Applicants are strongly advised to familiarise themselves fully with the terms associated with the call, in particular, the eligibility criteria and the call process, all of which can be found in the guide for applicants. To avoid incomplete or ineligible application forms, applicants are advised to avail of the indicative application form before submitting. Changes to the form are not permitted once the application has been submitted.

Guidance documents 

Guide for applicants (PDF, 599KB)

Indicative application form (DOC, 85KB)

Consortium agreement template (DOC, 294KB)

UiD questionnaire (XLS, 122KB)


Enterprise Ireland hosted two webinars throughout the duration of Call 7.

The recordings of DTIF Call 7 webinar 23 May 2024 and DTIF Call 7 webinar 13 February 2025 are available to view. A DTIF Call 7 webinar presentation and DTIF Call 7 webinar Q&A document, setting out responses to questions frequently asked at these webinars, are also available for information.

For any further DTIF queries please contact Enterprise Ireland using the email address DTIF@enterprise-ireland.com.

DTIF completed projects – success stories

DTIF projects are nearing completion with exciting results accompanied by intriguing backstories. As each project concludes, these narratives will be available here, categorised according to the respective call which the funding was awarded.

Call 1

Gene Transfection Cell Analysis and Sorting Platform (GTCASP)

Call 2

Video Intelligent Search Platform (VISP)

Nextgen Heat - Next Generation Heat Pump for Affordable Decarbonisation of Heating

The DTIF Dashboard highlights key details of the successful projects that have been approved for funding and shows the regional spread of DTIF project partners involved in collaborative research across Ireland. The data is sourced from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment and Enterprise Ireland.

The data may be viewed by clicking on the images below, or at its source in Tableau Public at Disruptive Technologies Innovation Fund - Tableau Public.