Who We Are

National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI)

The NSAI, operating under the National Standards Authority of Ireland Act (1996), provides the technical infrastructure for products and services to be recognised and trusted around the world.

It is Ireland’s official standards body and a provider of certification leading to national conformity marking and CE marking enabling businesses demonstrate that Irish goods and services conform to international, European and Irish standards across a range of products and services.

The NSAI National Metrology Laboratory houses and maintains national standards for physical quantities providing traceability of measurement throughout the economy to internationally recognised specifications. The NSAI Legal Metrology Service enforces measurement accuracy in trade measurements though its inspection of quantities of packed goods and measuring equipment in daily use, for the benefit of consumers and businesses alike.

The NSAI also represents Ireland in European and international standards and measurement bodies, representing Irish interests and benefitting from shared expertise and experience to ensure a high level of protection and fair trade conditions.


Tel: +353 1 807 3800

Fax: +353 1 807 3838

Email: info@nsai.ie

Website: nsai.ie

Twitter: @NSAI_Standards