Who We Are

Who We Are

Our Vision: We will make Ireland the best place to succeed in business across all regions of our country, with vibrant enterprises, more high quality employment, growing trade, fair workplaces and higher productivity.


Minister for Enterprise, Tourism and Employment

Peter Burke

Minister for Enterprise, Tourism and Employment

More about Peter Burke

Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation

Niamh Smyth

Minister of State for Trade Promotion, Artificial Intelligence and Digital Transformation

More about Niamh Smyth

Minister of State for Small Businesses and Retail

Alan Dillon

Minister of State for Small Businesses and Retail

More about Alan Dillon

Secretary General

Statement of Strategy

The Statement of Strategy sets out the department’s strategy, its mission and its strategic goals.

Department Structure

The department is organised into 8 divisions which broadly reflect distinct functional units but there is also a substantial degree of co-operation and interaction between divisions.

Our Offices and Agencies

The department is assisted in the delivery of its programmes by a number of offices and agencies.

Customer Service

The department is committed to providing the highest standards of service to all our customers.

Do you require any special assistance?

The department is committed to ensuring effective communication with all of our customers. We will endeavour to ensure that all possible assistance is given to all of our customers in accessing information on the wide range of services that we provide.