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OECD Guidelines NCP: Events

Webinar – Responsible Business Initiatives: Environment

6 November 2024 

The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment hosted a free online event, focused on responsible business and the environment, on 6 November 2024.

In today’s world, the expectation from society, stakeholders, governments, and so on, has increased for businesses to demonstrate they operate responsibly. This means business success is not just measured by profits but also by their contributions to society and the planet. Environmental sustainability is no longer a nice to do, it is now considered a need to do today

This is being reflected in mandatory environmental measures and initiatives creating obligations for businesses of all sizes. Measures and initiatives range from reducing waste and minimising emissions to designing sustainable products and services. Businesses now have a responsibility to operate in ways that protect and restore the environment. 

Businesses should see sustainability not as a constraint but as an opportunity to innovate, gain competitive advantage and meet the demands of increasingly environmentally conscious consumers. 

For questions or more information, contact oecdncp@enterprise.gov.ie

Webinar – Responsible Business initiatives: Rising expectations

22 May 2024

The need for businesses to operate responsibly is increasingly reflected in mandatory measures creating obligations for enterprises. At this online event, Minister Dara Calleary provided opening remarks and department officials talked about three initiatives of which enterprises should be aware:

Watch on YouTube: Webinar on Responsible Business initiatives: Rising expectations - YouTube

More information about the Responsible Business agenda of which these initiatives are a part is available at DETE Responsible Business.

Webinar – Responsible Business initiatives: New developments

14 February 2024

There is increasing pressure on businesses from the public, consumers, shareholders and governments to show that they operate in a responsible manner. Minister Dara Calleary provided opening remarks and department officials talked about 3 initiatives that enterprises should be aware of. These are:

Watch on YouTube: Webinar on Responsible Business initiatives: New developments - YouTube

Presentations from the webinar on Responsible Business initiatives: New developments

More information about the Responsible Business agenda is available at DETE Responsible Business.

Webinar – Updated OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct

7 September 2023

The OECD hosted a webinar on 7 September to share more information on the 2023 update to the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct. Governments and stakeholders provided briefings about changes to the Guidelines and their significance.

The updated Guidelines are available here: OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct

Webinar – Responsible Business initiatives

23 May 2023

Minister Simon Coveney provided an opening address on the Responsible Business landscape. Department officials outlined 3 initiatives of which enterprises should be aware:

  • OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct
  • EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
  • proposed EU Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence

In the Q&A session, officials responsible for these initiatives responded to questions from attendees.