22nd December 2023 |
The Gender Pay Gap Information Act 2021 Regulations require organisations with more than 250 employees to report on the hourly gender pay gap in their organisation across a range of metrics. This report presents gender pay gap metrics for the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, based on data as at 23 June 2023.
The department had a total of 928 employees, 57% are female and 43% are male, at the time of reporting. The department’s gender pay gap is 10.86%. The percentage of female employees within the upper remuneration quartile is 48.05%. In 2023, we reflected on our 2022 gender pay gap results and committed to a number of actions such as using learning and career development initiatives to improve our approach to ED&I, monitoring fairness and transparency in promotion practices and undertaking qualitative research into female career progression in the department.