20th December 2023 |
The public consultation on the review of the occupations lists launched on 26 June 2023. It provided an 8-week period for sector representatives and employers to make evidence-based submissions seeking changes to the lists of eligible occupations.
The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment received submissions from a range of stakeholders including small and medium sized entities, government departments and employment permit users covering an extensive number of occupations across a wide range of sectors in the economy, broken down as follows:
- Agriculture/Food
- Arts/Culture
- Charity
- Childcare
- Communications/Energy
- Construction
- Disability
- Finance
- Forestry
- Health
- Retail/Sales
- Tourism/Hospitality
- Transport
The report below includes the outcome of the 2023 review of the occupations lists for employment permits and the changes to the minimum annual remuneration thresholds for employment permits.
Seoladh an comhairliúchán poiblí ar an athbhreithniú ar na liostaí gairmeacha an 26 Meitheamh 2023. Chuir seo tréimhse ocht seachtainí ar fáil chun go bhféadfadh ionadaithe earnála agus fostóirí aighneachtaí a raibh fianaise mar bhunús leo a chur isteach ag lorg athrui...
Employment Permits