12th December 2017 |
Reports, Advisory Reports
Ireland’s Competitiveness Challenge 2017 sets out the medium-term policy actions required to enhance Ireland’s competitiveness.
The Challenge is the National Competitiveness Council’s annual policy report. It outlines the National Competitiveness Council’s view of the main competitiveness issues confronting the business sector in Ireland over the medium term, and sets out a series of policy responses required to address these challenges.
The report calls for action today to support competitiveness tomorrow. The Council has focused on two themes this year and these are organised into eight chapters.
Theme 1 Ensuring growth is sustainable:
- Delivering Macroeconomic Sustainability
- Delivering Productivity Enhancing Infrastructure
- Environmental Sustainability and transitioning to a low carbon economy
- Building and Sustaining Talent
Theme 2 Generating uplift in enterprise competitiveness:
- Maintaining Cost Competitiveness
- Fostering Productivity Growth
- Building Innovation Capacity
- Enhancing and Diversifying Ireland’s Export Base
Brexit represents the foremost downside economic risk for Ireland, therefore the challenges posed by Brexit are addressed throughout this year’s Competitiveness Challenge.
Published by
The Business Environment