Employment Permits Act 2024 information note

The Employment Permits Act 2024 introduces new and amended provisions to the current legislation with effect from Monday, 2 September 2024.

The information note on key changes highlights the new provisions and provides users of the employment permit system with guidance on how applications for employment permits will be considered under the new legislation.

Users who are currently considering submitting an application for an employment permit that requires a labour market needs test (LMNT) are advised to become familiar with the upcoming adjustment to the criteria. The new LMNT criteria will require the applicant to publish the vacancy notice both with the Department of Social Protection JobsIreland and EURES online employment services, and on a second online platform jointly for at least 28 days. 

As the employment permits system will remain online throughout the introduction of the Act, changes in respect of replacing outdated referencing will be an ongoing process. We appreciate users understanding in this regard.

Further announcements and checklists will be made available over the coming period to keep employment permit users informed on the revised legislation.

Topics: Employment Permits