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Workplace Relations Commission welcomes new Registrar

Minister of State for Trade, Employment, Business, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection Mr Pat Breen has appointed Ms Gwendolen Morgan as Registrar to the Workplace Relations Commission (‘WRC’).

Ms Morgan is a UK and Irish-qualified solicitor with over 15 years in public law, human rights, and employment equality law. Ms Morgan has strong expertise in strategic litigation and training for a wide range of public bodies and NGOs and is a Mediators’ Institute of Ireland (MII) accredited mediator.  

Before joining the WRC, Ms. Morgan practised as a senior lawyer with the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission representing IHREC in amicus curiae briefs before the Superior Courts, advising on international reporting and EU free movement issues, and representing individuals before the WRC, domestic and European Courts.



Workplace Relations Commission

The Workplace Relations Commission was established on 1 October 2015.

The main functions of the WRC are to:

  • Promote the improvement and maintenance of good workplace relations.
  • Promote and encourage compliance with relevant employment, equality and equal status legislation.
  • Provide guidance in relation to compliance with Codes of Practice.
  • Conduct reviews of, and monitor developments in, workplace relations generally.
  • Conduct or commission relevant research and provide advice, information and the findings of research to Joint Labour Committees and Joint Industrial Councils.
  • Advise the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation on the application of, and compliance with, relevant legislation.
  • Provide information to the public in relation to employment legislation, (other than the Employment Equality Act).

With a workforce of just under 200 staff, supplemented by over 30 external adjudicators, and with offices in Dublin, Carlow, Cork, Ennis and Sligo, and operational bases for hearings and meetings in many counties, the WRC’s mission is to deliver high-quality service nationally, free of charge, which is:

  • speedy, user-friendly, independent, effective, impartial and cost-effective,
  • provides variable means of dispute resolution, redress and effective enforcement, and
  • improves workplace relations generally