23rd December 2014 |
The Intellectual Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act was enacted on the 23rd December 2014. This legislation makes it easier for pharma companies to develop new medicinal products in Ireland, making us more attractive for research and development investment.
The Act amends Section 42 of the Patents Act 1992, expanding the existing research exemption provision and amending Section 29(3) and Section 29(4) of the Trade Marks Act 1996, in order to allow Ireland to accede to the Singapore Treaty on the Law of Trade Marks.
The purpose of amending the Patents Act is to provide legal certainty for companies involved in research and development on new and generic drugs for the purpose of obtaining a marketing authorisation.
The current provision for research exemption in the Patents Act, 1992 has been expanded to include all studies, tests, experiments, clinical and field trials and any consequential acts necessary for the purpose of obtaining marketing authorisation for new and generic products. In addition, the expanded research exemption now covers acts done in this country relating to the acquisition of a marketing authorisation in any state.
Intellectual Property (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2014 (irishstatutebook.ie)
Published by
Innovation and Investment
Intellectual Property