• What's the next step if I am unhappy with a decision on my FOI request?

    If you are dissatisfied with the Department's response you can seek to have a decision re-examined by a more senior member of staff within the Department. Applications for review of a decision, together with a fee of €30.00 or a reduced fee of €10.00 for medical card holders and their dependents should be addressed to:

    FOI Unit
    Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment,
    Kildare Street.
    Dublin 2.

    Email: foiunit@enterprise.gov.ie

    Note: These fees apply only to Non Personal requests.

    If you are still unhappy with the decision, you have the right to appeal the decision to the Information Commissioner. Applications with appropriate fees (€50.00 or a reduced fee of €15.00 for medical card holders and their dependents) should be forwarded directly to the following address:

    Office of the Information Commissioner
    6 Earlsfort Terrace,
    Dublin 2,
    D02 W773.

    Tel: (01) 639 5689
    (01) 639 5674