16th June 2022 |
Closed Consultations
The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment invites submissions to inform the work of the Shannon Estuary Economic Taskforce, in line with its Terms of Reference.
The Programme for Government committed to supporting the Shannon Estuary and surrounding area through the establishment of a Taskforce to evaluate the potential of the area and determining how this potential can be realised. Specifically, the Programme for Government states:
“We will ensure that local development plans are developed to stimulate economic activity for those areas that were expecting economic development arising from new fossil-fuel infrastructure. As part of this, we will consider the potential of the Shannon Estuary in terms of regional economic development across transport and logistics, manufacturing, renewable energy, and tourism, and develop a strategy to achieve this potential, with support from the Exchequer.”
Shannon Estuary Economic Taskforce core task and functions
To fulfil the commitment in the Programme for Government, the Terms of Reference for the Shannon Estuary Economic Taskforce are to:
- assess the strategic strengths and comparative advantages of the Shannon Estuary from an investment and enterprise development perspective, in a national and international context
- scope potential areas of opportunity for the Shannon Estuary and specify policy and investment requirements to exploit those areas of potential
- assess the current connectivity of the region and make recommendations as to how this could be enhanced
- specify the actions required from national and local government, as well as from other stakeholders, to exploit those areas of potential
- produce a Report and associated Action Plan with specific steps in areas of potential
The Taskforce is aware and mindful of the environmental significance of the Estuary and its natural designations and is focused on the sustainable development of the region in an environmental as well as an economic context.
Guide for submissions
The Taskforce has commenced a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis for the estuary region and has begun gathering data from existing plans, National and EU policy documents, subject matter experts and others. Submissions are requested to focus on topics which are relevant to the broad agenda of supporting economic development in the Shannon estuary region.
The inputs are requested to address the relevant pillars of:
- Sustainable Energy – in the context of renewable energy, energy efficiency and the emerging challenge of energy security. Both on-shore and off-shore renewable energy developments are relevant to the work of the Taskforce
- Industry – industrial development and measures to ensure the sustainability of industry within the region, and measures to take advantage of new opportunities
- Tourism – with a specific focus on innovations or measures above and beyond that already covered through existing actions, initiatives, and measures within the sector. Emerging trends in sustainable tourism and inputs in relation to same are also welcome
- Transport – infrastructure and connectivity are critical to the economic development within the estuary region. Views and inputs in relation to interconnectivity, sustainable transport, innovation and development, and alternative fuel sources are welcome
Inputs are also welcomed from those who wish to comment on particular opportunities in terms of innovation and R&D which can make a positive contribution in the medium to longer term for the region.
It is requested that submissions focus on the areas identified in this issues paper and are in keeping with the Terms of Reference set out for the Taskforce.
Taskforce engagement process
The Taskforce acknowledges that submissions were previously requested prior to its formal establishment and that this represents a further opportunity for inputs so that stakeholders can support the work of the Taskforce. Stakeholders who have already made submissions are welcome to make further submissions, informed by this issues paper. All previous submissions have been reviewed and will be considered again as part of this consultation process. The Taskforce will endeavour to meet with contributors as circumstances require.
Submissions should be no longer than 1,500 words and should be submitted by email to shannontaskforce@enterprise.gov.ie.
The closing date for receipt of submissions is 5pm, Friday, 29 July 2022.
Data Protection and Freedom of Information
We are committed to engaging with stakeholders in a clear, open, and transparent manner. Any person or organisation can make a submission in relation to this consultation. All submissions and feedback will be considered by the Taskforce.
Please note that it is intended that all submissions received will be made available under the Freedom of Information Act 2014 (FOI) and as such may be published on our website.
In responding to this consultation, parties should clearly indicate where their responses contain personal information, commercially sensitive information, or confidential information which they would not wish to be released under FOI or otherwise published.
We would like to draw your attention to the Department's Data Protection Data Privacy Notice which is available on our website and explains how and when we collect personal data, why we do so and how we treat this information. It also explains your rights in relation to the collection of personal information and how you can exercise those rights.
The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment invites submissions in line with its Terms of Reference to inform the work of the Shannon Estuary Economic Taskforce.
The Business Environment, Regional Enterprise Plans