29th March 2021 |
Closed Consultations
The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment has sought and has received the views of interested parties on a recent proposal by the European Commission.
The proposal for a directive on adequate minimum wages in the European Union was published in October 2020.
This proposal aims to ensure that the workers in the Union are protected by adequate minimum wages allowing for a decent living. The proposal also aims to help protect employers that pay decent wages to workers by ensuring fair competition.
The Commission proposal has been sent to the Council of the European Union (composed of the governments of the EU Member States) and the European Parliament, for discussion, possible amendment, and agreement. The proposal will be considered in the first instance by the relevant EU Council Working Party, meetings of which will be attended by Department officials.
The following documents published by the European Commission provide further information on the proposal:
Commission proposal for an EU Directive on adequate minimum wages in the EU (PDF, 561KB)
Staff Working Document (PDF, 288KB) and Impact Assessment (PDF, 5.1MB) accompanying the Commission proposal
Questions and Answers: Adequate minimum wages
Factsheet: Adequate minimum wages (1.5MB)
As part of Ireland’s national scrutiny of the proposal, the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment welcomed views on the proposal, and invited stakeholders and other interested parties to make a submission.
All submissions received are available to download below.
Further information may be obtained by contacting the Low Pay Unit of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment by email: EUminwageconsult@enterprise.gov.ie
Published by
Enterprise Strategy, Competitiveness and Evaluation
Workplace and Skills, EU Directives