19th April 2021 |
Closed Consultations
The Irish National Accreditation Board (INAB), which is part of the Health and Safety Authority (HSA), invites submissions from interested parties to a public consultation on the National Accreditation Strategy.
INAB is the national body with responsibility for accreditation in Ireland. INAB was established in 1985 and is a Committee of the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) under legislation (Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, as amended by the Industrial Development (Dissolution of Forfás) Act 2014).
INAB accredits laboratories, certification bodies, verification bodies, biobanks, reference material producers and inspection bodies. It provides accreditation in accordance with the relevant International Organisation for Standardisation ISO 17000 series of standards.
Accreditation is the independent third party confirmation of competence and is recognised worldwide as a tool to support enterprise, trade and regulation.
INAB has commenced the preparation of the first national accreditation strategy for a five-year period. The strategy will comprise the key priorities and objectives within Irish accreditation during that period.
As part of the process of developing the new national accreditation strategy, we are now seeking input from interested stakeholders through a public consultation.
For further information please see the consultation document below.
In order to enable full consideration of any inputs received, we would appreciate if replies could be input into the submission link below:
surveymonkey.com/r/AccredE (English)
surveymonkey.com/r/AccredI (Irish)
The closing date for submissions is Friday, 7 May 2021.
Accreditation Regulation