Public consultation on National Implementation of EU Harmonised Rules on Artificial Intelligence (AI Act)

The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment invites submissions to a public consultation on the implementation of the EU Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act, which was formally adopted by the EU on 21 May 2024 and is expected to enter into force in June 2024.

This consultation is intended to inform Ireland’s approach to implementing the Act and, specifically in relation to the configuration of national competent authorities required for implementation.

The provisions of the Act will apply on a phased basis over a 36-month period after the Act enters into effect.

Overview of the Act and an explanation of its key provisions


The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment welcomes submissions in general on this topic and, in particular, respondents are requested to address the specific questions at Section 4.

Respondents are requested to make their submissions by email. Submissions should be sent by email to

The deadline for receipt of submissions is 5pm on Tuesday, 16 July 2024.

Topics: Artificial Intelligence