27th July 2023 |
Closed Consultations
Interested stakeholders are encouraged to submit their views on the development of Ireland’s second National Plan on Business and Human Rights.
This second National Plan is being jointly prepared by the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. The new National Plan is intended to build on the achievements of the first National Plan, while reflecting new developments in the international understanding of business and human rights, including new EU instruments.
Consultation paper
The consultation paper on the new National Plan (PDF, 180KB) summarises the outcomes of Ireland’s first plan and presents guiding questions which may be useful for preparing written submissions.
Written submissions can be sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs at bhrconsultation@dfa.ie. The deadline for receipt of written submissions is 8 September 2023.
Further information
For more information, visit National Plan on Business and Human Rights.
The Business Environment, Responsible Business