10th October 2023 |
Closed Consultations
The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment is seeking the views of stakeholders to inform the development of the National Industrial Strategy for Offshore Wind.
The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment is developing a National Industrial Strategy for Offshore Wind, which will set out a roadmap to ensure that Ireland captures a significant proportion of the value of the supply chain to deliver an Offshore Wind Energy (OWE) sector of scale and maximises the economic benefit associated with the various routes to market for this renewable energy, including new industrial demand, development of sustainable fuels, and so on.
The focus of this public consultation is the potential measures and initiatives Ireland can introduce to accelerate the development of the OWE supply chain and its complementary R&D ecosystem. Views are sought from interested parties on the following themes:
- Closing the Supply Chain Gaps
- Building Co-operation
- Research, Development & Innovation (RD&I)
Measures to support strategic spatial development and routes to market will be the subject of a future consultation as part of the implementation of this strategy.
Stakeholder views are welcomed from interested parties, including manufacturing industry, SMEs, the research community, and other interested stakeholders.
Submissions should be structured according to the themes outlined above, responding to one or more of the themes as appropriate. Submissions should not exceed 1,500 words in length.
Views from stakeholders and interested parties are requested no later than 7 November 2023.
Submissions should be marked 'National Industrial Strategy for Offshore Wind Consultation' and should be emailed to OffshoreWind@enterprise.gov.ie.
The Business Environment, Offshore Wind Energy