10th March 2014 |
Closed Consultations
The EU Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights has launched a survey of EU businesses and EU IP professionals who have an interest in the protection and enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in non- EU countries.
The Observatory is carrying out the survey on behalf of the EU Commission (DG Trade) which has carried out similar surveys in the past.
The purpose of the survey is to gather information, from those involved with and interested in IP rights in non EU countries, in order to build up a picture of the reality of IPR protection and enforcement in countries outside the EU.
The Observatory will collate the responses and send them to DG Trade, which will then use them, along with information from other sources, to put together analyses of the situation in non EU countries.
The survey will be one of the tools used to help improve the IPR enforcement scene in non-EU countries, so the views of EU businesses and EU IP professionals with experience or interest in this area would be particularly welcome.
The survey opened on 10 March 2014 and runs to 10 June 2014 and can be accessed at: www.tmdn.org/uss/index.php?sid=64891&lang=en
The survey is easy to complete, but in case you have any issues, please email the EU Observatory at: ObservatorySurvey@oami.europa.eu
For more information on this survey, please consult the Frequently Asked Questions.
Published by
Innovation and Investment Division
Intellectual Property