6th March 2018 |
Closed Consultations
The Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation is seeking views from interested parties on the European Commission’s proposed ‘Goods Package’, which contains two separate legislative proposals.
The first of these proposals is for a Regulation to strengthen controls by national authorities and customs officers to prevent unsafe products from being sold to European consumers. Submissions on this Proposal should be sent to conspol@dbei.gov.ie.
The second proposal, for a Regulation on Mutual Recognition of Goods, seeks to help producers to sell their products across Europe without any additional requirements if they are lawfully sold in one Member State. Submissions on this Proposal should be sent to mutual.recognition@dbei.gov.ie.
The deadline for submissions is Friday 30 March 2018.
See attached document below for further information.
Published by
Commerce, Consumer and Competition, Indigenous Enterprise
Consumer and Competition, Product Safety