10th October 2017 |
Closed Consultations
The Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation is currently developing an SME Test to ensure the impacts of new legislation on small and medium enterprises is considered and appropriate measures are put in place to mitigate any negative impact.
The Department is currently seeking feedback from Small Businesses, their representative bodies, and other stakeholders on a draft version of Ireland's SME Test.
The SME Test has been an integral part of the European Commission’s Better Regulation guidelines since 2009. By assessing the costs and benefits of policy options for Small and Medium Enterprises, it helps implement the 'Think Small First Principle' and improve the business environment.
The 'Think Small First Principle', requires SMEs' interests to be taken into account at a very early stage of policy making to avoid placing a disproportionate burden on small businesses.
Each Member State is asked to include an assessment of the burden on SME’s in all relevant regulations and legislation through an SME Test.
Following consultation it is intended for the Test to be piloted within the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation over the following months. Following this, a further review may be required.
The draft SME test is available for download below. Feedback should be sent by e-mail to niall.debuitlear@dbei.gov.ie to be received by Friday 27 October 2017.