31st December 2014 |
Closed Consultations
Consultation by the Preparatory Committee on the proposal for a draft European Patent Litigation Certificate.
The Legal Working Group of the Preparatory Committee has finalised its proposal for the European Patent Litigation Certificate. Under Article 48(2) of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court, European Patent Attorneys, wishing to act before the Unified Patent Court, may do so if they have an appropriate qualifying certificate, such as the European Patent Litigation Certificate.
Under Article 48(3) of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court, the Administrative Committee has responsibility for setting the parameters for these qualifying certificates. Therefore a draft decision, setting out the rules on the European Patent Litigation Certificate or any other qualifying certificate, must be prepared ready for the Committee to formally adopt, after the entry into force of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court.
The proposals have now been published by the Preparatory Committee on the Unified Patent Court website and are open for consultation until Friday 25 July 2014
Intellectual Property