12th July 2016 |
Closed Consultations
Preparation of 2017 Action Plan for Jobs: Invitation to submit proposals.
The Action Plan for Jobs is a whole of Government initiative that mobilises all Government Departments to take steps that will promote job creation. We are currently preparing the 2017 Action Plan for Jobs which will be published early in 2017.
If you have an idea that you believe could help improve the environment for businesses to create jobs then we want to hear from you.
We are interested in all ideas for positive action and are particularly interested in suggestions that support the following themes;
- Delivering the skills for a growing economy;
- Stimulating regional growth;
- Maintaining and enhancing competitiveness;
- Growing Irish companies;
- Driving entrepreneurship and start-up companies;
- Developing and deepening the impact of foreign direct investment;
- Increasing labour market participation;
- Improving access to finance for SMEs; and
- Realising sectoral opportunities.
In order to understand the types of actions already being undertaken, you may wish to look at Action Plan for Jobs 2016.
Proposals should be submitted to APJ2017@djei.ie.
We welcome your ideas at all times throughout the year and they will be considered in the context of the on-going Action Plan for Jobs process.
We look forward to hearing from you,
Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation
Related information
The agendas and notes of the meetings of the APJ 2017 Agency Clients Advisory Groups and the Industry Partners Forum held in September 2016 are available for download below.
Published by
Enterprise Strategy, Competitiveness and Evaluation
Action Plan for Jobs, Action Plan for Jobs