Focus on Sectors 2020

Focus on Sectors 2020 is a series of sectoral reports that present concise overviews of 16 key sectors of the economy, encompassing both exporting and locally trading activities, and outline some initial indications of the impact of COVID-19 on these sectors.

While a number of the sectors fall within the remit of DBEI and its agencies, broader sectoral development responsibility spans a range of government departments. Focus on Sectors includes inputs from across government departments, enterprise agencies and industry representative organisations on the impact of COVID-19 on sectors.

The impact of COVID-19 has not been uniform across areas of economic activity and affected sectors will continue to face challenges and viability concerns due to ongoing distancing requirements, changed consumer behaviour and lower demand. The outlook for internationally trading sectors is also uncertain and will depend on developments in export markets.

As the full extent of the impact of the pandemic on global and national economies continues to unfold and it is still too early to assess the medium- to long-term implications of COVID-19, these sectoral reports present an assessment at a point in time.

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Topics: Trade and Investment, Focus on Sectors, The Business Environment