16th August 2021 |
Closed Consultations
The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment invites project proposals for expressions of interest for the Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) on Microelectronics and Communications Technologies. This call is intended to identify businesses active in the field of microelectronics and communications technologies that may wish to put forward projects that could fit within the scope of the upcoming Important Project of Common European Interest on Microelectronics and Communications Technologies (ME IPCEI2) and accordingly be considered for possible funding.
IPCEI are large-scale, multi-country projects for global state-of-the-art innovation to address market or systemic failures in particular sectors. IPCEI procedures allow for the possibility of public-sector funding to be granted at national level for certain projects that make an important contribution to the growth and competitiveness of the European industrial sector and to the strategic objectives of the European Union. Favourable State aid rules apply to IPCEI, and Member States can provide funding to companies to incentivise them to participate in these projects. This type of pan-European industrial policy has already been shown to be successful by the two existing IPCEIs on battery cell production and microelectronics.
The primary focus of this IPCEI is on digital; data processing; and communication with power efficiency / sustainability. The objective of ME IPCEI2 is to strengthen capabilities in design and increase the safety and sustainability of microelectronic components in Europe by promoting the integration and production of solutions to support European industry and to ensure competitiveness of the EU industry on the global market including (but not limited to):
- design of processor cores and AI chips for different vertical markets, for example, components for automotive sector and aerospace as well as industry automation (Industry 4.0) and for edge computing
- design of chips and systems for communication (5G / 6G and other)
- development of advanced semiconductor processes
- advanced packaging for 2D/3D heterogenous integration
- low power, sustainable electronics
Further details on the scope and criteria are set out in the document below.
Companies, in particular SMEs (as defined by the European Commission as “the category of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is made up of enterprises which employ fewer than 250 persons and which have an annual turnover not exceeding €50 million, and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding €43 million”), and / or consortia from the field of microelectronics, communication technologies and other companies in the relevant value chains with research and production in Ireland that are willing to participate in an integrated in an integrated European project can submit their project proposals, expressing their interest in funding, by noon on 27 August 2021. These should be sent, based on the proposal template below, to industrialpolicy@enterprise.gov.ie with Microelectronics IPCEI Proposal as the subject line.
Please note, the submission of a project concept within the framework of the call for expressions of interest neither establishes a claim to, nor is it a prerequisite for, public funding in the intended IPCEI or any other form of public funding.
For any queries, please first see the FAQs document below and for anything further, please contact industrialpolicy@enterprise.gov.ie.
Published by
Enterprise Strategy, Competitiveness and Evaluation
The Business Environment