What We Do

Late payment in commercial transactions

The issue of 'late payment in commercial transactions' is governed by the European Communities (Late Payment in Commercial Transactions) Regulations 2012 - SI 580 of 2012 as amended by:

The purpose of these regulations is to give legal effect to Directive 2011/7/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 February 2011 on combating late payment in commercial transactions

Under these regulations it is an implied term of every commercial transaction that where a purchaser does not pay for goods or services by the relevant payment date, the supplier shall be entitled to interest ('late payment interest') on the amount outstanding. Interest shall apply until such time as payment is made by the purchaser.

The regulations apply to commercial transactions in both the public and private sector.

Main provisions of the legislation:

  • late payment interest is payable if:
    • there is no contract between the parties, then 30 days after the invoice is received by the purchaser or 30 days after goods/services are delivered if the date of receipt of the invoice is uncertain or the invoice was received before goods/services were delivered
    • there is a contract between an undertaking and a public authority, then after the payment date referenced in the contract, which cannot exceed 30 days from the delivery of the goods
    • there is a contract between 2 undertakings, then after the payment date referenced in the contract, which if greater than 60 days from delivery of the goods, must be expressly agreed in the contract and cannot be grossly unfair to the supplier
  • enterprises are automatically entitled, without the necessity of a reminder, to interest for late payments
  • where late payment interest falls due, the supplier is also entitled to the automatic payment of compensation costs
  • statutory interest rate for late payment is 8 percentage points above the European Central Bank’s reference rate
  • enterprises can challenge grossly unfair terms and practices

Contact us

If you require further information on the issue of late payments, please send an email to the dedicated mailbox promptpayment@enterprise.gov.ie

Important note:

While the department provides information in respect of late payments, it is important to note that it does not provide legal advice. Where specific interpretations of the late payment legislation are required, it is recommended that these be sought from parties with the appropriate expertise within the legal profession.