What We Do

NSAI Standards

The overall objective of the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) is to support national and international growth of Irish business and to contribute to building Ireland’s reputation globally. It has a secondary objective of ensuring citizen safety through its standards making and product approvals activities. The NSAI works with international and European standards bodies to develop standards across a wide range of sectors. Across the Irish economy, this includes sectors as diverse as construction, digital, manufacturing, medical, automotive, electricity and gas. 

Top ten benefits of Standards

  1. Standards help you compete on a level playing field with bigger enterprises
  2. Standards open up export markets for your products and services 
  3. Standards help enhance the quality of your products and services
  4. Standards drive efficiency in your business operations 
  5. Standards add credibility and confidence for your customers 
  6. Standards facilitate inter-operability of products and processes
  7. Standards give you the competitive edge 
  8. Standards make your brand name internationally recognized 
  9. Standards help your company grow 
  10. Standards enable a common 'language' to be used across an industry sector 

SME supports

Standards and SMEs

Other NSAI supports for SMEs include their practical guide on the series of ISO Quality Management Systems standards available to Irish business – see Standards and SMEs

Further information

For all NSAI supports for Irish business including SMEs, visit National Standards Authority of Ireland.