112 | Production Managers and Directors | 1122 | Site Manager |
113 | ICT Professionals | 1136 | Information technology and telecommunications directors |
118 | Health and Social Services Managers and Directors | 1181 | Senior health services and public health managers and directors |
121 | Managers and Proprietors in Agriculture Related Services | 1213 | - Professional Forester
- Resource modelling, earth observation and data analyst
211 | Natural and Social Science Professionals | 2111 | Chemical scientists in manufacturing (including food & beverages, medical devices), product development, analytical development, clinical co-vigilance, or biotechnology or related and relevant specialist skills, qualifications or experience |
2112 | - Medical laboratory scientists
- Biological scientists and biochemists in manufacturing (including food & beverages, medical devices), product development, analytical development, clinical co-vigilance, or biotechnology or related and relevant specialist skills, qualifications or experience
2113 | - Physical scientists in manufacturing (including food & beverages, medical devices), product development, analytical development, clinical co-vigilance, or biotechnology or related and relevant specialist skills, qualifications or experience
- Meteorologist
- Operational Forecaster
212 | Engineering Professionals | 2121 | - Civil Engineers
- Structural Engineers and Site Engineers
2122 | Mechanical engineers |
2123 | Electrical engineers |
2124 | Electronics engineers specialising in: - Chip design, test engineering, or application engineering, or
- Process automation engineering, or
- Power generation, transmission and distribution, or
- Related and relevant specialist skills, qualifications or experience
2126 | Design and development engineers specialising in: - Quality control, or validation and regulation engineering (high tech industry; food and beverages), or
- Chip design, test engineering, or application engineering, or
- Process automation engineering, or
- Power generation, transmission and distribution, or
- Related and relevant specialist skills, qualifications or experience
2127 | Production and process engineers specialising in: - Quality control, or validation and regulation engineering (high tech industry; food and beverages), or
- Chemical process engineering, or
- Process automation engineering, or
- Power generation, transmission and distribution, or
- Related and relevant specialist skills, qualifications or experience
Chemical Engineer |
2129 | - Material scientists
- Setting Out Engineer
- Façade Designer
- Project Engineer
213 | Information Technology and Telecommunications Professionals | 2133 | - IT specialist managers
- BIM Manager
2134 | IT project and programme managers |
2135 | IT business analysts, architects and systems designers |
2136 | Programmers and software development professionals |
2137 | Web design and development professionals |
2139 | All other ICT professionals not elsewhere classified |
221 | Health Professionals | 2211 | Medical practitioners |
2212 | Psychologist |
2213 | Industrial Pharmacists/ Pharmacist |
2217 | - Radiographers
- Radiation therapists
- Vascular technologists/physiologists
- Gastro Intestinal technologists/physiologists
2218 | Podiatrist/Chiropodist |
2219 | - Audiologists
- Perfusionists
- Dietician
- Cardiac Physiologist
- Medical Scientist
222 | Therapy Professionals | 2221 2222 2223 2229 | Physiotherapist Occupational Therapist Speech and Language Therapist Orthoptists |
223 | Nursing and Midwifery Professionals | 2231 | Registered Nurses |
2232 | Registered Midwives |
231 | Teaching and Educational Professionals | 2311 | Academics who hold a qualification equivalent to Level 10 of the National Framework of Qualification in a given discipline awarded no less than two calendar years prior to the date of application for an employment permit, with a minimum of one academic year of relevant teaching experience, and the employment concerned - is in a third level institution governed by the Irish Universities Act 1997 (No. 24 of 1997), the Institutes of Technology Act 2006 (No. 25 of 2006) and the Technological Universities Act 2018 (No. 3 of 2018); or
- involves delivering a programme largely or wholly concerned with information and communications technology, which leads to a major award at QQI level 8 and/or level 9 as validated by Quality and Qualifications Ireland.
242 | Business, Research and Administrative Professionals | 2421 | - Chartered and certified accountants, and taxation experts specialising in tax, compliance, regulation, solvency or financial management or related and relevant specialist skills, qualifications or experience.
- Qualified accountants with at least three years’ auditing experience, who are full members of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) and whom have relevant work experience in the areas of US GAAP reporting and Global Audit and Advisory Services and the employment concerned is in MNC Global Audit Services.
- Tax consultant specialising in non-EEA tax consultancy and compliance with a professional tax qualification or legal qualification with tax specialism, and has a minimum of three years’ experience of tax consultancy requirements and regulations in the relevant non-EEA market.
2423 | Management consultants and business analysts specialising in big data analytics with skills in IT, data mining, modelling, and advanced maths or related and relevant specialist skills, qualifications or experience |
2424 | Business and financial project management professionals specialising in finance & investment analytics, risk analytics, credit, fraud analytics or related and relevant specialist skills, qualifications or experience |
2425 | Actuaries, economists and statisticians specialising in big data analytics with skills in IT, data mining, modelling, and advanced maths or related and relevant specialist skills, qualifications or experience |
243 | Architects, Town Planners and Surveyors | 2431 | Architect |
2432 | Town Planning Officer |
2433 | Quantity surveyors |
2435 | Architectural Technologist |
2436 | - Construction project managers
- Commercial Manager
244 | Welfare Professionals | 2442 | Social Worker |
246 | Quality and Regulatory Professionals | 2461 | Quality control and planning engineers |
2462 | Quality assurance and regulatory professionals |
2463 | Environmental health professionals |
247 | Media Professionals | 2473 | Art Director in 2D or 3D animation, with at least one year’s experience in the role |
312 | Draughtspersons and Related Architectural Technicians | 3122 | BIM Coordinator/ Technician |
321 | Health Associate Professionals | 3213 | - PHECC registered Paramedics
- PHECC registered Advanced Paramedic Practitioners
3218 | - Prosthetists
- Orthotists
- Respiratory physiologist
341 | Artistic, Literary and Media Occupations | 3411 | Animation Background and Design Artist in 2D or 3D animation, with at least one year’s experience in the role |
342 | Design Occupations | 3421 | - Location Designer in 2D or 3D animation, with at least one year’s experience in the role
- Character Designer in 2D or 3D animation, with at least one year’s experience in the role
- Prop Designer in 2D or 3D animation, with at least one year’s experience in the role
- Animation Layout Artist in 2D or 3D animation, with at least one year’s experience in the role
344 | Sports and Fitness Occupations | 3442 | High performance coaches and directors employed by
- National sports organisations, or
- High profile sports organisations engaging in international competition
353 | Business, Finance and Related Associate Professionals | 3531 | Estimator |
354 | Sales, Marketing and Related Associate Professionals | 3542 | Business sales executives specialising in International Sales Roles or ITB2B sales roles and with fluency in the official language, apart from English, of a state which is not a Member State of the EEA |
3543 | International marketing experts with required domain knowledge specialising in product strategy development and management with technical and product/service knowledge (pharmaceutical, medical devices, Software B2B, SaaS products) |